Our first visit together will provide an opportunity for us to meet and discuss your orthodontic concerns. An oral examination will follow which will allow us to identify specific needs and to determine treatment options. We encourage you to ask questions at this appointment so that you can become fully informed about orthodontics and how it may benefit you or your child. An estimate of treatment time and expenses will also be provided.
Diagnostic Records
Diagnostic records will be gathered if it appears that treatment is necessary. These records consist of radiographs to examine skeletal and dental structures as well as photographs to illustrate facial characteristics. The information derived from study of these records is then used to develop an individualized treatment plan.
Orthodontic Treatment Plan
We will review the diagnostic records with you or you and your child and discuss what we have learned from careful analysis of this information. We will present treatment options to you at this time, answer any questions you might have, and help you to make an informed decision regarding the direction of orthodontic treatment. In addition, we will outline financial arrangements for your individual case so that orthodontic care can be financed over the estimated duration of treatment.